Queen's View in Perthshire, Scotland

Perthshire, the 5 day excursions to do from Perth and Pitlochry to discover Scotland’s Big Tree Country

5 excursions to do in Perthshire: 5) Queen’s View

The panoramic terrace of Queen’s View was the gran finale of my stay in Perthshire and definitely I couldn’t have chosen a better place than this one.

Overlooking Loch Tummel as well as part of Tay Forest, it’s one of the most photographed sposts across Scotland and is easily accesible – even for wheel chairs users – with a short walk from the renovated car park (£2 per vehicle).

This area became so famous after the visit of Queen Victoria in 1866, during when she remained impressed by the spectacular scenery. However, it seems that the name Queen’s View is older and refers to Queen Isabella, wife of Robert the Bruce, who came here in the early 14th century. To be said, the truth is far from being known as Queen Victoria itself wrote in her diary something like “they have named this place after me, although I do not believe I have ever been here before”.

Queen's View - Pitlochry, Highland Perthshire in Scotland Queen's View in Perthshire, Scotland

Anyway, take your time to enjoy the landscape in front of you… it won’t be easy to find other settings so inspiring!

Next to the terrace there’re also a small shop, a cafe and public toilets as well. Please note that these facilities are open only during peak-season (from April to October) whilst the view and the car park remain open throughout the year.

The Queen's View Visitor Centre - Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland


How to get to Queen’s View

Queen’s View is really close to Pitlochry and easily reachable by car or bus. In my case, Elizabeth Yule bus service n. 82 takes around 15 minutes to reach the attraction departing from the bus stations of the town.

These were the 5 excursions in Perthshire I did while I stayed in Perth and then in Pitlochry. In that way I could discover different kinds of attractions that showed me the beauty of this Scottish region. Someone said “the best is yet to come” so I really look forward to it… see you again, Perthshire!

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