Old Bridge in Perth, Scotland

Perth (Scotland), what to do and see in two days. The itinerary I followed, the attractions not to be missed and other practical information

Other points of interest in Perth

After visiting the attraction I spent the rest of the afternoons/nights to explore the city of Perth getting lost in its streets and green spaces. There’so many places to see and things to do in and around the city centre that I didn’t manage to see everything. That means I have to return as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, these are the points of interest that I recommend you to visit.


Kinnoull Hill Woodland Park

Opened in 1991 as Scotland’s first official woodland park, this is the first place I went to after my arrival in town. Kinnoull Hill is situated east of Perth city centre. An easy footpath leads to the top and probably to the best panoramic viewpoint of the area. Indeed, though the city is not visible due to the presence of the woodland, you have an amazing sight of Perthshire and you can see the River Tay together with a section of the Tay Coast Railway Line.

While there don’t miss the Kinnoull Tower, built in 1829 by Lord Grey of Kinfauns and used by him as an observatory. The shape of the buildings wants to remember a typical German castle on the Rhine because Grey saw some similarities between the two areas.

Kinnoull Hill over Perth, Scotland Kinnoull Tower around Perth, Scotland Kinnoull Hill panoramic viewpoint over the city of Perth Walk across Kinnoull Hill Woodland in Perth, Scotland



Norie-Miller Riverside Walk

This park is located on the bank of River Tay opposite to the city centre. It’s a unique attractions as here you find wildlife, gardens, art and walks merged together in just one scenery. I wandered across it at sunset time – possibly the best moment for capturing all the colours and shades – looking for the most inspiring panoramic sights as well as the sculptures representing some of the most important achievement of the city and its inhabitants.

The Norie-Miller Riverside Walk is dedicated to Sir Stanley Norie-Miller, civic leader in Perth and member of the General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Limited after the First World War.

Norie-Miller Riverside walk in Perth, Scotland The Norie-Miller Walk along River Tay in Perth, Scotland Sculptures and gardens on Norie-Miller Riverside walk in Perth The Rodney Gardens along River Tay in Perth



The bridges in Perth        

Three bridges cross River Tay and link the two sides of the city. From north to south there’re:

  • Perth Bridge, finished in 1771 and then renovated in 1869;
  • Queen’s Bridge, inaugurated by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on the 10th of October 1960;
  • West Railway Bridge, carrying trains to and from the railway station while the pedestrian walkway permits to reach the King James VI Golf Club, considered the only one in the world to be accessible only by foot.

Old Bridge in Perth, Scotland The West Railway Bridge in Perth The Queen's Bridge in Perth, Scotland


The Perth City Centre

Two parksNorth and South Inch – border the Perth city centre to the north and the south. The main streets are High Street, King Edward Street and South Street. Here you find local shops, pub and restaurants where you may use the Perth Gift Card (as I explained in the first page of this article).

Sat in the centre of the old Royal Burgh next to the City Hall, St John’s Kirk of Perth is the most ancient building in town with first historical references dated back to 1126. However, it became famous in 1559 when John Knox preached here his sermon against idolatry. As a consequence of this event the Protestant Reform officially began in Scotland with the rebels standing against Mary of Guise, the Catholic Queen Regent and mother of Mary Queen of Scots.

The North Inch of Perth, Scotland The South Inch in Perth, Scotland The Museum and Art Gallery in Perth, Scotland The Fergusson Gallery in Perth, Scotland High Street in Perth by night

I had a great time in Perth and its surroundings. It has plenty of thing to do and attractions to visit and its city centre is really enjoyable.

Considering that I still have some places of interest to see, that’s a good excuse to return here as soon as possible.

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